Hearing Loss

Is Hearing Loss Common?

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), more than 36 million Americans have some type of hearing problem, and 30-40% percent of people over age 65 have hearing loss. Although it is often associated with aging, it is also clearly present in people of all ages, from newborns to adults.

A “normal” human ear can perceive an enormous range of sounds in terms of pitch and loudness.  In fact, the hearing of sound is the primary sense through which we learn speech and language. 

The ability to hear clearly from birth is extremely important with regard to normal development of speech and language skills, auditory processing skills, a sense of self, as well as normal emotional and psychological well-being and more. Hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the United States. Approximately 90% of those suffering from hearing loss can be helped by the use of hearing aids.

Dr. Kimi Dart - Lake Jackson, TX Hearing Loss

Hearing Tests

Our audiologists perform comprehensive hearing examinations in a high-tech sound-treated booth to ensure accurate testing results.

What Are Some Signs of Hearing Loss?

Dr. Kimi Dart - Lake Jackson, TX Hearing Loss

What Are Some Other Medical Illnesses Related to Hearing Loss?

There are a number of different causes for hearing loss. Depending on what other symptoms are associated with the hearing loss, such as tinnitus (noise in the ears), dizziness, imbalance, ear pain, ear infection, trauma, family history of hearing loss, the cause may include but is not limited to: infection, tumor, stroke, diabetes, neurological disease, autoimmune disorder, drug toxicity, various forms of trauma.

What Causes Hearing Loss?

In the inner ear, there are thousands of hair cells that allow us to hear by detecting different frequencies, stimulating the auditory nerve, and sending sound signals to the brain. In 90% of all hearing loss cases, these hair cells are damaged, meaning that the brain is not receiving all of the sound needed to form a complete auditory soundtrack. The damage of those hair cells may result from trauma, disease, noise exposure, aging, or be hereditary in nature.

Can I Live With Hearing Loss?

Sensorineural hearing loss is particularly problematic because it usually develops gradually. As hearing loss continues unnoticed, eventually sounds that are critical to communication become compromised. Over extended periods of time, the brain will become accustomed to not hearing those sounds, meaning that it will take longer for the brain to understand those sounds again. Many people dismiss or ignore their hearing loss, sometimes for years — this is a bad decision, because putting off the inevitable only makes it more difficult to rectify the problem. Regular hearing aid use helps maintain the brain’s ability to interpret sounds, increases communication, and improves the user’s quality of life.

Hearing Aids

Our audiologists prescribe and fit hearing aids through Lake Jackson ENT which is conveniently located within our building. Having received advanced training to fit and dispense hearing aids, our audiologists fit hearing aids personally to achieve superior comfort and maximum hearing improvement.
Dr. Kimi Dart - Lake Jackson Hearing Aids
Dr. Kimi Dart - Lake Jackson, Texas ENT

Hearing Tests

Our audiologists perform comprehensive hearing examinations in a high-tech sound-treated booth to ensure accurate testing results.